Haunai Apoliona spoke in support of the Akaka Bill, insisting that ancestry to the “aboriginal, indigenous, native people” of Hawaii is not a proxy for race.
“NHGRA is NOT based on race. It is based on the fact that Native Hawaiians, like the American Indians and Alaska Natives are the aboriginal, indigenous, native people whose ancestors settled and exercised sovereignty in these lands predating the founding of the colonies and the United States.” –Haunani Apoliona
Haunani Apoliona, sitting with the panel at the HISAC meeting
Haunani Apoliona with Michael Yaki, USCCR Commissioner, after the HISAC meeting
Testifying in support of the Akaka Bill, Robert Klein spoke about the limits he thought should be put on the Committee’s consideration about the pending legislation, arguing that constitutionality should simply not be discussed until the issue is presented before a court.
Robert Klein, sitting with the panel at the HISAC meeting
“Will the Akaka Bill pass constitutional muster? This is a legal determination that only a court can make and should be irrelevant to this discussion – it is not your call.” –Robert Klein
Kekuni Blaisdell greets Jere Krischel
Testifying in opposition to the Akaka Bill, Jere Krischel spoke out against the proposed race-based government at a public meeting yesterday. Speaking after three OHA presentations, and a presentation by sovereignty activist Dr. Kekuni Blaisdell, Mr. Krischel offered corrections to both the historical record put forth by his fellow panelists, as well discussing the problems with dividing Hawaii by race.
Jere Krischel, pictured in the foreground, takes notes as Ms. Apoliona speaks
Jere Krischel, left, listens as Mr. Mossman responds to questioning
“Although at one point in time, the people living in Hawaii could be considered fairly distinctly, this moment is far in the past. Whereas we were once easily categorized into just Japanese, Chinese, Portuguese, Filipino, Caucasian and native Hawaiian, those lines have blurred over the centuries. Like a jar of different colored sand, layered upon one another, once shaken, can never be split up into its component parts.”
“We of Hawaii, of all races, are one people. We are sisters, brothers, aunties, uncles, cousins, children, parents, tutus, wives, husbands, schoolmates, neighbors and friends. Even when we don’t share the same blood, we share the same heart. To divide us by our genetic lineage is counter to the very essence of Hawaii.” –Jere Krischel
Jere Krischel’s full testimony can be found here.
Apoliona, Klein and Mossman’s testimony can be found here.
When made available, Kekuni Blaisdell’s testimony will also be linked.