He Hawaii au – Mr. President

February 20th, 2009 by admin Leave a reply »

Aloha Mr. President,

As a person of mixed race, you know about the struggle of human identity.
Imagine for a moment that your mother was Native Hawaiian.  Imagine telling your father that he could not enjoy the same “rights” as you and your mother.

This is what the Akaka Bill does.  A group of “experts” will decide who gets what “rights” in Hawai’i simply by race.

Please, Mr. President, tell the Akaka Bill supporters that we are “One America,” and that we should all live under “One Law.”  Tell the Akaka Bill supporters that the Kingdom of Hawai’i was always a multiracial nation, and that we will not dishonor that noble heritage by separating people by race.

You can move us away from division and towards conciliation with a single, moving speech opposing race-based privileges.

He Hawai’i au; he mau Hawai’i kakou a pau.  I am Hawaiian; we are all Hawaiians.

  He Hawaii au - Mr. President - MP3 (unknown, 3,898 hits)


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